Transform Your Body with 10-Week Workout Plan

Are you looking to start a workout routine but don’t know where to begin? Look no further! This 10 week workout plan is perfect for beginners who want to get in shape and improve their overall health.

With a combination of strength training and cardio exercises, this plan will help you build muscle, burn fat, and increase your endurance. Plus, you can do it all from the comfort of your own home!

Why Is Exercise Important?

Before we dive into the workout plan, let’s first understand why exercise is important. Regular physical activity has numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, improve your mood, and boost your energy levels.

Body Recomposition: Building Muscle and Burning Fat

One of the main goals of this workout plan is body recomposition, which is the process of simultaneously building muscle and burning fat. This is achieved through a combination of strength training and cardio exercises.

Strength training helps build muscle mass, which in turn increases your metabolism and helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Cardio exercises, on the other hand, help burn fat and improve your cardiovascular health.

Creating a Training Schedule

To see results from your workout routine, it’s important to have a consistent training schedule. This 10 week workout plan is designed to gradually increase in intensity, allowing your body to adapt and avoid injury. It is recommended to do this workout plan 3-4 times a week, with rest days in between.

The 10-Week Workout Plan

Hiit workoutOur 10 week workout plan is divided into two phases: the first five weeks focus on building strength and the last five weeks focus on increasing endurance and burning fat.

Now you’ve everything you need at your disposal to start a no gym no equipment workout plan. Remember to pair the day’s exercises with that week’s cardio, and to rest on the weekends so your body can repair itself. You should be burning fat and building in muscle very fast. Good luck!


20 Squats
15 Second Plank
25 Crunches
35 Jumping Jacks
15 Lunges
25 Second Wall Sit
10 Sit Ups
10 Butt Kicks
5 Push Ups


10 Squats
30 Second Plank
25 Crunches
10 Jumping Jacks
25 Lunges
45 Second Wall Sit
35 Sit Ups
20 Butt Kicks
10 Push Ups


15 Squats
40 Second Plank
30 Crunches
50 Jumping Jacks
25 Lunges
35 Second Wall Sit
30 Sit Ups
25 Butt Kicks
10 Push Ups


35 Squats
30 Second Plank
20 Crunches
25 Jumping Jacks
15 Lunges
60 Second Wall Sit
55 Sit Ups
35 Butt Kicks
20 Push Ups


25 Squats
60 Second Plank
30 Crunches
55 Jumping Jacks
60 Lunges
45 Second Wall Sit
40 Sit Ups
50 Butt Kicks
30 Push Ups





Cardio (by week)

30-second sprint, 30-second jog (5x)
35-second sprint, 45-second jog (6x)
45-second sprint, 60-second jog (7x)
50-second sprint, 45-second jog (8x)
55-second sprint, 30-second jog (7x)
60-second sprint, 45-second jog (6x)
65-second sprint, 60-second jog (5x)
70-second sprint, 45-second jog (6x)
75-second sprint, 30-second jog (7x)
80-second sprint, 45-second jog (8x)

Tips for Success

  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workouts.
  • Eat a balanced diet: Fuel your body with nutritious foods to support your workouts.
  • Listen to your body: If you feel pain or discomfort, take a break and modify exercises as needed.
  • Track your progress: Keep a workout journal or use a fitness app to track your progress and stay motivated.


A well-structured workout plan is essential for achieving your fitness goals. Our 10 week workout plan incorporates strength training, cardio, and HIIT workouts to help you build muscle, increase endurance, and burn fat. Remember to listen to your body, stay hydrated, and track your progress for the best results. Let’s get started on your fitness journey today!

Keep reading: 6 Week No-Gym Home Workout Plan

Share this beginners Workout Plan with you friends they will thank you later when get in shape.